Federation Danube Class Runabout:

The Danube class runabout is basically an oversized shuttle that can perform a vast number of different functions. The Runabout can do long range patrols, space exploration, cargo transport, and is also a decent combatant. This shuttle fills much of the same roles as the CAF Proctor class heavy fighter does for the Consortium of Civilized Worlds in the Phase World Universe. There is a demand for the Federation to licence civilian companies to manufacture the vehicles because of its outstanding characteristics.

In physical appearance, the origin of the ship as a shuttle design can be clearly seen and the Danube class looks much like simply an oversized shuttles. The warp engines are slung under the rear of the body and if the Runabout has a torpedo pod, it is mount on the top rear section of the ship.

The shuttle can carry up to 40 passengers in tight quarters but can be piloted by a few as one crew member. Normally, the Runabout will have a crew of two or three to prevent overload on a single crew member. The shuttle is fully capable of performing detailed astronavigation without the assistance of a crew member.

Because it may be expected that the runabout would have to engage in combat in emergencies or be used as a light combatant, the Runabout was better armed that previous shuttle classes were (most had no weapons at all). The Runabout is armed with two phaser banks with two emitters each. One bank fires from the front of the ship and the other fires from the rear. The ship also has a mini-photo torpedo launcher that fires forward. This was not mounted on the original design but was later added. While not an original design feature, the runabout can carry a photon torpedo pod that can carry up to 8 standard torpedoes. This gives the Runabout the ability to make attacks on large capital ships and star bases.

Because the ship may run into combat and may end up exploring in dangerous conditions, the Runabout carries powerful shields that are capable of withstanding more abuse than those on the smaller shuttle designs. The structure and hull of the shuttle is highly reinforced to withstand combat and other potentially dangerous situations.

The ship has more powerful warp engines than fighters or other shuttles, allowing it to travel longer distance than other shuttle designs could. The ship also have powerful impulse engines that can drive the shuttle to almost as fast an accelerations as impulse driven starfighters. The runabout is quite maneuverable and the skill pilot starfighter (basic or elite) is used to pilot the ship in combat.

Crew quarters are a bunk type arrangement. The crew or passengers live in close quarters but they have more space than contemporary navy crews have and are fairly comfortable even with the lack of space. The ship also has food preparation equipment and emergency medical equipment. The ship has a small cargo bay that allows the Runabout to act as a transport and for such roles as beacon and mine laying.

The naming convention of Danube class runabouts is to name the shuttles after large rivers of Federation member worlds.

This design is written to be able to interact with modified phase world rules. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World for more details. There is a lack of hard detail on this ship. Some materials have suggested accelerations that are simply beyond scope. I have taken a moderate level in writing up this starship for Phase World because otherwise the ship would either be far too powerful or far too weak for Phase World. Warp speeds are far slower than the FTL speeds for Phase World but they are very close to those from the original series and Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual. Also, a note on the mass of starships. The original sources indicated much smaller masses for starships than Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual does and where possible, both masses are listed for the gamers to choose which one seems most appropriate.

Model Type: RAB-72000
Vehicle Type: Heavy Fighter / Scout / Light Transport
Crew: One to four (If the Runabout has more than one crew member, they can control each weapon mount separately).
Passengers: 40 Maximum

M.D.C. By Location:
Phaser bank (2, One forward and one aft):300 each
Mini Photo Torpedo Launcher (Under Cockpit):200
Photon Torpedo Pod:400
Warp Nacelles (2):500 each
Impulse Engine:400
Reinforced Pilot's Cabin:200
[1] Main Body:1,100
[2] Variable Force Field:500 a side (3,000 Total)

[1] Depleting the MDC of the main body will put the runabout out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck.
[2] Shields positions can be varied and all could be combined in one shield. Shields regenerate at the rate of 5% (150 MDC) per melee round.

Driving on the Ground: Not Possible (Shuttle can land on the ground).
Sublight: Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship to travel up to 50 percent of the speed of light. Fighter can accelerate/decelerate at the rate of 1.0 percent of light per melee.
As an alternative, the starship can reach .99 of the speed of light but is normally restricted to slower speeds so that starship is not effected severely by time attenuation that occurs at the higher sublight speeds.
Atmospheric Propulsion: Maximum cruise speed is Mach 6, shuttle can enter an atmosphere because shuttle has anti-gravity systems.
Stardrive: Uses a warp engine that allow ship to travel at Warp Factor 4.0 on cruise (0.012 light years per hour), Warp Factor 5.0 Flank (0.024 Light Years per hour), and Warp Factor 5.2 Emergency (0.028 Light Years per Hour).
Speed is calculate using a formula designed to emulate Star Trek: Next Generation speeds. These speeds are very slow when compared to Phase World ship, so if used in that universe, they could be increased enough to operate within Three Galaxy speeds but should not exceed them.
Maximum Range: Effectively Unlimited by drive system but only has supplies for shuttles crew for two months.

Statistical Data:
Length: 75.78 feet (23.1 meters)
Height: 17.7 feet (5.4 meters) without Torpedo pod, add 4.9 feet (1.5 meters) with pod
Width: 44.9 feet (13.7 meters)
Mass: 174.57 Tons (158.7 metric tons) (Deep Space Nine: Technical Manual / Daystrom Institute Technical Library)
Power System: Advanced Micro Fusion with 10 year life span.
Cargo: Small Storage Space 15x20x20 feet (4.5x6.1x6.1 meters).
Market Cost: 225 million credits to construct. The Photon torpedo pod costs an additional 20 million credits. At present, the Federation does not sell the design to non Federation member government but would sell for 250 million without weapons advanced systems. A fully equipped runabout with all weapons (Not including torpedo pod) and advanced systems would probably sell for 500 million.


  1. Medium Phaser Cannons: The runabout carries two phaser cannon mounts. One mount fires forward and the other mount fires aft. Each mount has a 180 degree arc of fire and does not have any penalties to strike small targets. Because the phasers banks fire in different directions, they cannot be linked. These mounts are normally used against fighters and other small targets. The phasers are controlled by the pilot if the shuttle only has one crew member but the phasers can be controlled by gunners if the ship has one than one crew member.
    Range: 1,550 miles (2,500 km) in space and 15.5 miles (250 km) in an atmosphere.
    Mega Damage: Each phaser mount does 6D6x10.
    Rate of fire: Equal to pilots or gunners hand to hand (Usually 4 or 5).
    Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
  2. Mini-Photon Torpedo Launcher: While this was not on the original version of the runabout, it was added because of some of the combat conditions run into by the Danube class runabout. The launcher is mounted under the cockpit. The launcher can carry twenty four mini-photon torpedoes
    Mini-Photon Torpedoes are about half way between the size of long range missiles and medium range missile. Once spread of torpedoes has been launched, the launchers must be reloaded. In the early service of this shuttle, it carried photon torpedoes which are anti-matter/matter warheads but they can carry quantum torpedoes when they are available.
    Mini-Torpedoes have a top speed of Mach 15 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 6% of light per turn. When drive goes dead, the torpedo will still cruise unless preset to self destruct or receives a destruct code but has very low odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because target does not move and torpedoes when dead at -25% to detect.) See Modified starship rules for more details. Launchers can launch on multiple targets each.
    Range: Mini-Photon Torpedoes: Powered torpedo range is 160 miles (257.5 km) in an atmosphere and 80,000 miles (128,750 km/0.43 light seconds) in space
    Mega-Damage & Properties: Mini-Photon Torpedoes (Matter/Anti-Matter Warheads): Old Series inflict 3D6x10 each, Star Trek Movies One through Six inflict 4D6x10, and Next Generation inflicts 5D6x10 each. Mini-Quantum Torpedoes: 1D6x100 each.
    Rate of fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 per melee
    Payload: Mini-Photon Torpedoes: 24 torpedoes
  3. Photon Torpedo Pod: The Danube class runabout does not normally carry a photon torpedo pod but if mounted, the pod is mounted above the rear of the shuttle. The launcher can carry either eight standard photon torpedoes.
    Standard Torpedoes launchers are effectively very similar to Phase World cruise missile launchers. Once spread of torpedoes has been launched, the launchers must be reloaded. In the early service of this shuttle, it carried photon torpedoes which are anti-matter/matter warheads but they can carry quantum torpedoes when they are available.
    Standard Torpedoes has a top speed of Mach 25 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 10% of light per turn (far faster than any starship). When drive goes dead, the torpedo will still cruise unless preset to self destruct or receives a destruct code but has very low odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because target does not move and torpedoes when dead at -25% to detect.) See Modified starship rules for more details. Full size torpedoes have minuses to hit small targets but are all considered smart missiles. Launchers can launch on multiple targets each.
    Range: Standard Torpedoes: Powered torpedo range is 8000 miles (12,875 km) in an atmosphere and 4,000,000 miles (6,437,376 km/ 21.5 light seconds) in space
    Mega-Damage & Properties: Standard Photon Torpedoes (Matter/Anti-Matter Warheads): Old Series inflict 2D6x100 each, Star Trek Movies One through Six inflict 3D6x100, and Next Generation inflicts 4D6x100 each. Standard Quantum Torpedoes: 8D6x100 each.
    Rate of fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 per melee
    Payload: Standard Torpedoes: 8 torpedoes.

[ Phase World™, Kreeghor™, and CAF™, are trademarks owed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books, Inc. ]
[ Rifts® is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books, Inc. ]
[ Star Trek is copyright © Paramount Pictures ]

Parts of Technical information are from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual (Mostly Ship Sizes).
CGI of Ship by Andrew Hodges. More of his CGI pictures of Star Trek Ships at Devil World 6

By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).

I would like to recognize Henning Rogge as giving assistance with the revision of the Star Trek starships.

Rifts Conversion Copyright © 1998, 1999, and 2000, Kitsune. All rights reserved.

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